There are many different ways that Temple Lutheran Church connects with the community both inside the church and out of it.
Below is a little bit of information about each of these ministries and outreach programs.

The Lida Knaus Food Pantry accepts non-perishable food donations on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11am and 2pm. We encourage friends of the pantry to donate canned goods, peanut butter, cereals, and pasta. Please call 856-663-7783 on the above days to arrange drop off of your donations.
Distribution is now self-serve by appointment. Please call
856-663-7783 for more details and to schedule a shopping time.
Please check our calendar page for available dates & times.
Grateful Men
Keep alert. Be firm in your faith. Stay brave and strong. ---- 1 Corinthians 16:13
When we men gather, our gatherings should be about something. Without a something, brotherhood doesn’t last. There are, of course plenty of somethings: we gather to watch sports, play sports, talk sports, talk politics, discuss philosophy, drink coffee, drink wine, drink beer, hunt, fish, golf, bike, hike, and many other things. Some of us, though, believe there’s one something that stands well above the rest—a great cause—to follow Jesus Christ, which includes fighting for ourselves, our loved ones, our friends, our neighbors, and engaging an enemy that “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to attack” (1 Peter 5:8).
Come join a group of GREATFUL MEN on Thursday nights at 8:30pm .

Servant Ministries - John's Island
Where as in years past we have gone to John's Island South Carolina to help repair and build homes for the residents: this ministry has been suspended until we find a new organization to work with.
Do you have a suggestion as to what to do?
Have you been on a great servant trip?
Would you be willing to help us plan our next outing?
Lets get together and make a difference - together!
Volunteer Groups
There are many different ways to volunteer at Temple including the clean-up crew, worship assistants, readers, and more. Please contact the church office for more information or to sign-up to volunteer with us.

Church Council
Current Members:
President: Karen Hickey Vice President: Marilyn Burgin Secretary: Lauren Riess Treasurer: Ken Isky
Financial Secretary: Barbara Millineaux Recording Secretary: David & Carol Wohr Business Manager: Matt McDevitt
Kim Morris-Flores (not pictured Gary Burgin, Mike Fluharty)
