How you can donate and help OUR Church
First, thank you for even considering contributing to our congregation. Your hard earned dollars will help sustain Temple Lutheran Church's ministry, help people in our local community, our state and around the world. We are a tithing congregation and give more than 10% of all our income to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America through the New Jersey Synod. We also contribute to Bridge of Peace Lutheran Church in Camden, New Jersey and to the Pastors Compensation Fund of the New Jersey Synod. So your dollars are doing quadruple duty - Church, Synod, Denomination, and local missions.
Second, not every person or family has the ability to give to a church like ours. Guess what? That's okay. We have all been in your shoes over time. But that does not mean that we aren't here to help and that certainly does not mean that your gifts, skills, and life experience can't help us as a congregation. Come join us in mission and together we'll help Christ's gospel change the world. We'll do it one person at a time - we will begin with ourselves.
Third, there are several ways to contribute to Temple: See if one of these suggestions below works for you. If not, give us a call. (856) 663-7783
ways you can donate:
Two services offered at 9am and 11am every Sunday morning
Mail your donation to:
Temple Lutheran Church
5600 North Rt. 130
Pennsauken NJ 08109
Most of our members use an EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer from their bank to our bank. It can be weekly, monthly, or anything in between. If you would like to join us in this type of regular giving, give us a call at (856) 663-7783 and we'll help you set that up.
With Paypal
If you have a Paypal account, then this might be the quickest and safest way to make a difference at Temple.